
Thoughts come and go, words stay eternal

30 Sep 2022


  1. Using array to store element, and using Open Addressing to solve hash collision.
  2. When Resing, a new set will be created and all old elements will be copy into new set.
  3. When new element added, set will try to do expansion if (used + dummy) / total >= 0.6.
  4. When deleting an element, set will mark it as dummy, and the memory won’t free, and the memory usage won’t reduce, for example remove() and pop(), except difference_update() and symmetric_difference_update().
  5. When there are too many deleted (dummy) elements, there are two way to reduce memory usage, one is creating new one by using copy(), the other way is using difference_update() or symmetric_difference_update() which will resizing if dummy * 4 >= total.
  6. A valid size of set is the smallest value of 8 * (1 « n) that greater or equal with the required size, normally is used > 50000 ? 2 * used : 4 * used.
  7. Frozenset can’t be change after being created.
  8. Set using linear probing and randomized probing to searching key, so the worst case is O(n).


Operation Average Case Amortized Worst Case
add O(1)
clear O(n)
copy O(n)
difference s - t O(len(s))
difference_update s -= t O(len(t))
discard O(1)
intersection s&t O(min(len(s),len(t))) O(len(s) * len(t))
intersection_update s &= t O(min(len(s),len(t))) O(len(s) * len(t))
isdisjoint - not (s >= t or t <= s) O(len(t))
issubset s1 <= t O(len(t))
issuperset s1 >= t O(len(s))
pop O(1)
remove O(1)
symmetric_difference s^t O(len(s))
symmetric_difference_update s ^= t O(len(t))
union s|t O(len(t))
update O(1)
x in s O(1)
s1 == s2 O(n)

Source Code


  1. python-3.10.6

Basic Data Structure

PyTypeObject PySet_Type
// Objects/setobject.c
PyTypeObject PySet_Type = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
    "set",                              /* tp_name */
    sizeof(PySetObject),                /* tp_basicsize */
    0,                                  /* tp_itemsize */
    /* methods */
    (destructor)set_dealloc,            /* tp_dealloc */
    0,                                  /* tp_vectorcall_offset */
    0,                                  /* tp_getattr */
    0,                                  /* tp_setattr */
    0,                                  /* tp_as_async */
    (reprfunc)set_repr,                 /* tp_repr */
    &set_as_number,                     /* tp_as_number */
    &set_as_sequence,                   /* tp_as_sequence */
    0,                                  /* tp_as_mapping */
    PyObject_HashNotImplemented,        /* tp_hash */
    0,                                  /* tp_call */
    0,                                  /* tp_str */
    PyObject_GenericGetAttr,            /* tp_getattro */
    0,                                  /* tp_setattro */
    0,                                  /* tp_as_buffer */
        _Py_TPFLAGS_MATCH_SELF,       /* tp_flags */
    set_doc,                            /* tp_doc */
    (traverseproc)set_traverse,         /* tp_traverse */
    (inquiry)set_clear_internal,        /* tp_clear */
    (richcmpfunc)set_richcompare,       /* tp_richcompare */
    offsetof(PySetObject, weakreflist), /* tp_weaklistoffset */
    (getiterfunc)set_iter,              /* tp_iter */
    0,                                  /* tp_iternext */
    set_methods,                        /* tp_methods */
    0,                                  /* tp_members */
    0,                                  /* tp_getset */
    0,                                  /* tp_base */
    0,                                  /* tp_dict */
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_get */
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_set */
    0,                                  /* tp_dictoffset */
    (initproc)set_init,                 /* tp_init */
    PyType_GenericAlloc,                /* tp_alloc */
    set_new,                            /* tp_new */
    PyObject_GC_Del,                    /* tp_free */
    .tp_vectorcall = set_vectorcall,
Set Method Mapping
// Objects/setobject.c
// object's method mapping, 
// used by bytecode LOAD_METHOD and CALL_METHOD
static PyMethodDef set_methods[] = {
    {"add",             (PyCFunction)set_add,           METH_O,
    {"clear",           (PyCFunction)set_clear,         METH_NOARGS,
    {"__contains__",(PyCFunction)set_direct_contains,           METH_O | METH_COEXIST,
    {"copy",            (PyCFunction)set_copy,          METH_NOARGS,
    {"discard",         (PyCFunction)set_discard,       METH_O,
    {"difference",      (PyCFunction)set_difference_multi,      METH_VARARGS,
    {"difference_update",       (PyCFunction)set_difference_update,     METH_VARARGS,
    {"intersection",(PyCFunction)set_intersection_multi,        METH_VARARGS,
    {"intersection_update",(PyCFunction)set_intersection_update_multi,          METH_VARARGS,
    {"isdisjoint",      (PyCFunction)set_isdisjoint,    METH_O,
    {"issubset",        (PyCFunction)set_issubset,      METH_O,
    {"issuperset",      (PyCFunction)set_issuperset,    METH_O,
    {"pop",             (PyCFunction)set_pop,           METH_NOARGS,
    {"__reduce__",      (PyCFunction)set_reduce,        METH_NOARGS,
    {"remove",          (PyCFunction)set_remove,        METH_O,
    {"__sizeof__",      (PyCFunction)set_sizeof,        METH_NOARGS,
    {"symmetric_difference",(PyCFunction)set_symmetric_difference,      METH_O,
    {"symmetric_difference_update",(PyCFunction)set_symmetric_difference_update,        METH_O,
#ifdef Py_DEBUG
    {"test_c_api",      (PyCFunction)test_c_api,        METH_NOARGS,
    {"union",           (PyCFunction)set_union,         METH_VARARGS,
    {"update",          (PyCFunction)set_update,        METH_VARARGS,
    {"__class_getitem__", (PyCFunction)Py_GenericAlias, METH_O|METH_CLASS, PyDoc_STR("See PEP 585")},
    {NULL,              NULL}   /* sentinel */

static PyNumberMethods set_as_number = {
    0,                                  /*nb_add*/
    (binaryfunc)set_sub,                /*nb_subtract*/
    0,                                  /*nb_multiply*/
    0,                                  /*nb_remainder*/
    0,                                  /*nb_divmod*/
    0,                                  /*nb_power*/
    0,                                  /*nb_negative*/
    0,                                  /*nb_positive*/
    0,                                  /*nb_absolute*/
    0,                                  /*nb_bool*/
    0,                                  /*nb_invert*/
    0,                                  /*nb_lshift*/
    0,                                  /*nb_rshift*/
    (binaryfunc)set_and,                /*nb_and*/
    (binaryfunc)set_xor,                /*nb_xor*/
    (binaryfunc)set_or,                 /*nb_or*/
    0,                                  /*nb_int*/
    0,                                  /*nb_reserved*/
    0,                                  /*nb_float*/
    0,                                  /*nb_inplace_add*/
    (binaryfunc)set_isub,               /*nb_inplace_subtract*/
    0,                                  /*nb_inplace_multiply*/
    0,                                  /*nb_inplace_remainder*/
    0,                                  /*nb_inplace_power*/
    0,                                  /*nb_inplace_lshift*/
    0,                                  /*nb_inplace_rshift*/
    (binaryfunc)set_iand,               /*nb_inplace_and*/
    (binaryfunc)set_ixor,               /*nb_inplace_xor*/
    (binaryfunc)set_ior,                /*nb_inplace_or*/

New - Create New Set Object

Calls: PySet_Type.tp_new -> set_new -> make_new_set -> set_update_internal

// Objects/setobject.c
// python code: set(iterable_object), for example, set([1,2,3])
// Time: O(n), n = len(iterable_object)
static PyObject *
set_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    return make_new_set(type, NULL);


static PyObject *
make_new_set(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *iterable)
    PySetObject *so;

    so = (PySetObject *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
    if (so == NULL)
        return NULL;

    so->fill = 0;
    so->used = 0;
    so->mask = PySet_MINSIZE - 1;
    so->table = so->smalltable;
    so->hash = -1;
    so->finger = 0;
    so->weakreflist = NULL;

    if (iterable != NULL) {
        if (set_update_internal(so, iterable)) {
            return NULL;

    return (PyObject *)so;

Add - Add or Update Element to Set

Calls: set_add -> set_add_key -> set_add_entry


  1. when (used + dummy) / total >= 0.6, will try to resize base on used
    • used: the number of keys existed, equals with len(s)
    • dummy: how many keys were added but later removed after a set was constructed
static PyObject *
set_add(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key)
    if (set_add_key(so, key))
        return NULL;

static int
set_add_key(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key)
    Py_hash_t hash;

    if (!PyUnicode_CheckExact(key) ||
        (hash = ((PyASCIIObject *) key)->hash) == -1) {
        hash = PyObject_Hash(key);
        if (hash == -1)
            return -1;
    return set_add_entry(so, key, hash);

static int
set_add_entry(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash)
    setentry *table;
    setentry *freeslot;
    setentry *entry;
    size_t perturb;
    size_t mask;
    size_t i;                       /* Unsigned for defined overflow behavior */
    int probes;
    int cmp;

    /* Pre-increment is necessary to prevent arbitrary code in the rich
       comparison from deallocating the key just before the insertion. */


    mask = so->mask;
    i = (size_t)hash & mask;
    freeslot = NULL;
    perturb = hash;

    while (1) {
        entry = &so->table[i];
        probes = (i + LINEAR_PROBES <= mask) ? LINEAR_PROBES: 0;
        do {
            if (entry->hash == 0 && entry->key == NULL)
                goto found_unused_or_dummy;
            if (entry->hash == hash) {
                PyObject *startkey = entry->key;
                assert(startkey != dummy);
                if (startkey == key)
                    goto found_active;
                if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(startkey)
                    && PyUnicode_CheckExact(key)
                    && _PyUnicode_EQ(startkey, key))
                    goto found_active;
                table = so->table;
                cmp = PyObject_RichCompareBool(startkey, key, Py_EQ);
                if (cmp > 0)
                    goto found_active;
                if (cmp < 0)
                    goto comparison_error;
                if (table != so->table || entry->key != startkey)
                    goto restart;
                mask = so->mask;
            else if (entry->hash == -1) {
                assert (entry->key == dummy);
                freeslot = entry;
        } while (probes--);
        perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT;
        i = (i * 5 + 1 + perturb) & mask;

    if (freeslot == NULL)
        goto found_unused;
    freeslot->key = key;
    freeslot->hash = hash;
    return 0;

    entry->key = key;
    entry->hash = hash;
	// Anotation:
	// 1. when (used + dummy) / total >= 0.6, will try to resize base on used
    if ((size_t)so->fill*5 < mask*3)
        return 0;
    return set_table_resize(so, so->used>50000 ? so->used*2 : so->used*4);

    return 0;

    return -1;

Delete - Remove Element from Set

Calls: set_remove -> set_discard_key -> set_discard_entry -> set_lookkey

Marking the key as dummy, and never free or resize set.

static PyObject *
set_remove(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key)
    PyObject *tmpkey;
    int rv;

    rv = set_discard_key(so, key);
    if (rv < 0) {
        if (!PySet_Check(key) || !PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_TypeError))
            return NULL;
        tmpkey = make_new_set(&PyFrozenSet_Type, key);
        if (tmpkey == NULL)
            return NULL;
        rv = set_discard_key(so, tmpkey);
        if (rv < 0)
            return NULL;

    if (rv == DISCARD_NOTFOUND) {
        return NULL;

static int
set_discard_key(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key)
    Py_hash_t hash;

    if (!PyUnicode_CheckExact(key) ||
        (hash = ((PyASCIIObject *) key)->hash) == -1) {
        hash = PyObject_Hash(key);
        if (hash == -1)
            return -1;
    return set_discard_entry(so, key, hash);

static int
set_discard_entry(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash)
    setentry *entry;
    PyObject *old_key;

    entry = set_lookkey(so, key, hash);
    if (entry == NULL)
        return -1;
    if (entry->key == NULL)
        return DISCARD_NOTFOUND;
    old_key = entry->key;
    entry->key = dummy;
    entry->hash = -1;
    return DISCARD_FOUND;

Resize - Realloc Memory


  1. used: the number of keys existed, equals with len(s)
  2. dummy: how many keys were added but later removed after a set was constructed
  3. when resizing, a new memory area was allocated, the old one was free, and the old data (not dummy) was copy into new one, but the id(s) was keeped.

When Resing Happen:

  1. expansion:
    1. (used + dummy) / total >= 0.6 and new elements add
  2. shrinking:
    1. when dummy > total / 4 and function difference_update() or symmetric_difference_update was called
    2. rare case: add(), new element added trigger set resize to smaller one, this only happen when too many dummy solt and new element not hit dummy solt

Restructure the table by allocating a new table and reinserting all
keys again.  When entries have been deleted, the new table may
actually be smaller than the old one.
static int
set_table_resize(PySetObject *so, Py_ssize_t minused)
    setentry *oldtable, *newtable, *entry;
    Py_ssize_t oldmask = so->mask;
    size_t newmask;
    int is_oldtable_malloced;
    setentry small_copy[PySet_MINSIZE];

    assert(minused >= 0);

    /* Find the smallest table size > minused. */
    /* XXX speed-up with intrinsics */
    size_t newsize = PySet_MINSIZE;
    while (newsize <= (size_t)minused) {
        newsize <<= 1; // The largest possible value is PY_SSIZE_T_MAX + 1.

    /* Get space for a new table. */
    oldtable = so->table;
    assert(oldtable != NULL);
    is_oldtable_malloced = oldtable != so->smalltable;

    if (newsize == PySet_MINSIZE) {
        /* A large table is shrinking, or we can't get any smaller. */
        newtable = so->smalltable;
        if (newtable == oldtable) {
            if (so->fill == so->used) {
                /* No dummies, so no point doing anything. */
                return 0;
            /* We're not going to resize it, but rebuild the
               table anyway to purge old dummy entries.
               Subtle:  This is *necessary* if fill==size,
               as set_lookkey needs at least one virgin slot to
               terminate failing searches.  If fill < size, it's
               merely desirable, as dummies slow searches. */
            assert(so->fill > so->used);
            memcpy(small_copy, oldtable, sizeof(small_copy));
            oldtable = small_copy;
    else {
        newtable = PyMem_NEW(setentry, newsize);
        if (newtable == NULL) {
            return -1;

    /* Make the set empty, using the new table. */
    assert(newtable != oldtable);
    memset(newtable, 0, sizeof(setentry) * newsize);
    so->mask = newsize - 1;
    so->table = newtable;

    /* Copy the data over; this is refcount-neutral for active entries;
       dummy entries aren't copied over, of course */
    newmask = (size_t)so->mask;
    if (so->fill == so->used) {
        for (entry = oldtable; entry <= oldtable + oldmask; entry++) {
            if (entry->key != NULL) {
                set_insert_clean(newtable, newmask, entry->key, entry->hash);
    } else {
        so->fill = so->used;
        for (entry = oldtable; entry <= oldtable + oldmask; entry++) {
            if (entry->key != NULL && entry->key != dummy) {
                set_insert_clean(newtable, newmask, entry->key, entry->hash);

    if (is_oldtable_malloced)
    return 0;

d = set()
n = 1000000
used = set()
for k in range(n):
    mem_size = d.__sizeof__()
    mem_resize = d.__sizeof__()
    resize_ratio = mem_resize / mem_size
    length = len(d)
    if mem_size in used and mem_resize in used and k != n - 1:
    fs = f"length = {length:-10}, mem_size = {mem_size:-10}, mem_resize = {mem_resize:-10}, resize_ratio = {resize_ratio:-10.5f}"

###### Output ######
length =          1, mem_size =        200, mem_resize =        200, resize_ratio =    1.00000
length =          5, mem_size =        200, mem_resize =        712, resize_ratio =    3.56000
length =         19, mem_size =        712, mem_resize =       2248, resize_ratio =    3.15730
length =         77, mem_size =       2248, mem_resize =       8392, resize_ratio =    3.73310
length =        307, mem_size =       8392, mem_resize =      32968, resize_ratio =    3.92850
length =       1229, mem_size =      32968, mem_resize =     131272, resize_ratio =    3.98180
length =       4915, mem_size =     131272, mem_resize =     524488, resize_ratio =    3.99543
length =      19661, mem_size =     524488, mem_resize =    2097352, resize_ratio =    3.99886
length =      78643, mem_size =    2097352, mem_resize =    4194504, resize_ratio =    1.99990
length =     157286, mem_size =    4194504, mem_resize =    8388808, resize_ratio =    1.99995
length =     314573, mem_size =    8388808, mem_resize =   16777416, resize_ratio =    1.99998
length =     629145, mem_size =   16777416, mem_resize =   33554632, resize_ratio =    1.99999
length =    1000000, mem_size =   33554632, mem_resize =   33554632, resize_ratio =    1.00000

Real World Python


  • not thread-safe.
  • during iteration, the length of set can’t be changed.

Bug Code

>>> for v in s:
...     s.remove(v)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration
>>> for v in s:
...     s.add(99)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration


  1. dis - Disassembler for Python bytecode
  2. python - sys.getsizeof()
  3. python - TimeComplexity
  4. python - PerformanceTips
  5. web - Compiler Explorer
  6. Hash_table - Collision_resolution
  7. Hash_table - Open_addressing
  8. cs166 - Linear Probing
  9. python - set
  10. wikipedia - Linear_probing